James RutherfordMay 23, 2019'The Hurt Locker': A Masterful and Boldly Visceral Modern War Thriller“The Hurt Locker” (2008) is a bold and visceral war thriller starring Jeremy Renner as William James, a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army...
James RutherfordMay 16, 2019'Metro Manila': A Dynamic, Nail-Biting Drama-Thriller from The Philippines“Metro Manila” (2013) is a British film set in The Philippines that opens with Filipino rice farmer Oscar Ramirez (Jake Macapagal)...
James RutherfordMay 3, 2019'Blood Simple': A Gripping 80's-Era Neo-Noir Thriller from the Esteemed Coen BrothersThe first feature-length film from Joel and Ethan Coen (Fargo, No Country For Old Men), “Blood Simple” (1984) is a razor-sharp thriller...
James RutherfordApr 19, 2019'Whiplash': An Exhilarating Depiction of the Relentless Pursuit of Musical PerfectionWhiplash (2014) is the intense and captivating story of musical prodigy Andrew Neiman (Miles Teller), a student at the prestigious...
James RutherfordMar 22, 2019‘Bronson’: A Fiercely Inventive Depiction of Britain’s Most Violent Prisoner“Bronson” (2008) is a wildly inventive and darkly comical depiction of the life of Michael Peterson aka “Charles Bronson", the infamous...
James RutherfordMar 8, 2019'Land of Mine': A Gripping and Haunting Post-World War II Drama from Denmark “Land of Mine” (“Under Sandet”) is a Danish-German historical drama from 2015, set in 1945, following the end of World War II and the...
James RutherfordFeb 22, 2019'Lore': A Gripping Story of Survival Amidst the Aftermath of World War IIBased on the novel “The Dark Room’ by Rachel Seiffer, “Lore” (2012) is a German-British-Australian drama set at the end of World War II,...
James RutherfordFeb 22, 2019'Widows': A Vibrant Exposé of Chicago's Criminal UnderworldSet in modern-day Chicago and based on the original British television series from the 1980’s, “Widows” is an elaborate and enthralling...
James RutherfordFeb 7, 2019'Under the Skin': A Monument of Sublime Avant-Garde Science Fiction"Under the Skin" (2013) is a striking and disquieting science fiction thriller from director Jonathan Glazer (Sexy Beast, Birth) that...
James RutherfordJan 25, 2019'King of New York': A Searing and Kinetic Early-90's Crime Thriller“King of New York” (1990) is a volatile, kinetic crime thriller starring Christopher Walken as Frank White, a New York-based crime lord...