Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) is a thoughtful and absorbing documentary crafted as a profile of world-renowned Japanese chef Jiro Ono. Purveyor of Sukiyabashi Jiro, a highly-celebrated sushi restaurant located rather inauspiciously in a Tokyo subway station, Jiro maintains a tasting menu of just 20 courses yet upholds the highest degree of meticulousness in the sourcing, preparation and delivery of his delicacies.
Widely considered the greatest sushi chef on Earth, Jiro has indeed maintained a lifelong dedication to excellence and the pursuit of perfection—a single-mindedness that has earned his restaurant a prestigious three-star Michelin Guide rating. The film follows then-85-year old Jiro as he attends to every minute detail of his sparse 10-seat operation—one that attracts admirers from around the world on pilgrimage to one of the most tantalizing destinations in the culinary universe.
Delivered in Jiro's native language by American filmmaker David Gelb (Chef's Table, Wolfgang), it's a fascinating depiction of artisanship and precision at the highest level, with Jiro's ruminations on his eventual succession key to the storyline's dramatic undertones. With his 50-year-old son Yoshikazu poised to one day inherit his father's enterprise, Jiro's story is one of awe-inspiring conviction—the preservation of his accomplishments serving as a lasting display of manifest greatness.
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