“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” is an animated fantasy from Marvel Studios featuring young Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), a boarding school student in New York City who enjoys practicing graffiti art in his spare time.
Delving one evening into the heart of New York’s underground to practice his skills, Miles is bitten by a radioactive spider that imbues him with superhuman powers parallel to those of the famous Spider-Man. Upon further inspection, Miles discovers that the spider originated from a secret underground laboratory built by the menacing Wilson Fisk, an arch-villain who has crafted a particle accelerator in order to explore alternate dimensions.
Miles soon comes face-to-face with the real Spider-Man, Peter Parker, and finds himself caught up in a whirlwind battle against Fisk and his forces—including assistance from various (and amusing) forms of the Spider-Man persona who have entered the world from alternate dimensions.
“Into the Spider-Verse” is a wonderfully creative, wildly enjoyable escapade that delivers fresh characterizations and stunningly dynamic, comic book-like computer animation courtesy of Sony Pictures Imageworks. It’s exhilarating and unique grade-A entertainment for all ages, and delivers top-notch escapism from top to bottom.
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