Bad Education (La Mala Educación) (2004) is a Spanish-language drama set in 1980s Spain that follows Enrique Goded (Fele Martínez), a successful filmmaker, and his reunion with Ignacio Rodriguez (Gael García Bernal), his childhood friend and first love. Ignacio, now an actor and writer going by the name "Ángel," presents Enrique with a script titled "The Visit', which recounts their shared adolescence at a Catholic boarding school—and Ignacio's abuse at the hands of the school's principal.
The film's narrative unfolds across three timelines: the present, where Enrique investigates Ignacio’s adult life; the past, depicting their childhood and separation; and a fictionalized version of events from Ignacio's script. As Enrique digs deeper into their shared experiences, he uncovers disturbing truths about Ignacio and Father Manolo while blurring the line between reality and fiction. The storyline explores these revelations with a focus on identity, repression and the loss of innocence against a backdrop of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church.
Written and directed by renowned Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar (Talk to Her, The Skin I Live In), Bad Education is a complex and resonant affair, as Almodóvar skillfully contrasts vibrant aesthetics with often disturbing content. Bernal’s performance stands out most prominently, as he transitions from vulnerability and pain to a more confident, seductive and manipulative adult. As a bold exploration of taboo subject matter, Almodóvar's film embraces its own complex narrative while exploring the darker side of human nature and the enduring power of memory.
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