James RutherfordJan 18, 2019'Arrival': A Brilliant and Captivating Science Fiction TouchstoneBased on the story “The Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang, “Arrival” (2016) is a captivating science fiction fantasy depicting the...
James RutherfordDec 23, 2018'Miss Bala': An Explosive and Absorbing Mexican Crime Drama"Miss Bala” (2011) is an intense Mexican drama-thriller starring Stephanie Sigman as Laura Guerrero, a 23-year old resident of...
James RutherfordDec 23, 2018'Drive': A Sleek, Ultra-Cool Jolt of Pure Cinematic Adrenaline “Drive” (2011) is a sleek action thriller starring Ryan Gosling as a stuntman and getaway driver who befriends his new neighbor, Irene...
James RutherfordDec 20, 2018'Mother!': A Deliciously Twisted and Outlandish Psycho-Horror Story from Darren Aronofsky"Mother!" (2017) is a brazenly ambitious cinematic invention from famed auteur Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, The Wrestler), following a...
James RutherfordDec 14, 2018'Enter the Void': A Kaleidoscopic Soul's Journey Throughout Neo-Tokyo“Enter the Void” (2009) is a stunning, one-of-a-kind cinematic experience from Argentine auteur Gaspar Noé (Irréversible, Love),...
James RutherfordDec 7, 2018'Sicario': A Dynamic Thriller Set Amidst the Brutality of the Mexican Drug War"Sicario" (2015) is a visceral and tense thriller starring Emily Blunt as an idealistic young FBI agent recruited for a covert government...
James RutherfordNov 24, 2018'A Hijacking': An Utterly Riveting Danish Hijacking Drama"A Hijacking" is a riveting Danish drama about a Scandinavian cargo ship, The Rozen, that is hijacked in The Gulf of Aden by Somal
James RutherfordNov 9, 2018'13 Tzameti': A Darkly Suspenseful and Foreboding French Thriller“13 Tzameti” is a razor-sharp French thriller starring George Babluani as Sébastien, a poor Georgian immigrant living in France and working
James RutherfordNov 2, 2018'Winter's Bone': An Enthralling Neo-Noir Thriller Set in the Ozark Mountains“Winter’s Bone” is s stark neo-noir mystery/drama that follows teenage Ree struggling to care for her impoverished family in rural Missouri
James RutherfordOct 27, 2018'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy': An Electrifying Cold War Spy Thriller from the Mind of John le Carré"Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" is a thrilling and elaborate Cold War-era espionage drama starring Gary Oldman as George Smiley, a Bri